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How to create an Effective Brand Store on Amazon

How to Create an Effective Brand Store on Amazon

If you are a seller on Amazon, then you would have often wondered how to increase sales. Your product listings are optimized, ads are running well. Now what? One way to increase your exposure on Amazon is with a brand store. Amazon Brand Stores allow sellers to effectively showcase their products in a branded ecosystem. 

It is free for sellers who are a part of the Amazon Brand Registry and has shown to be effective at driving new traffic. Not only is it a good way to showcase your products, but it also helps sellers improve brand presence on Amazon. Consider it as your brand’s mini website but on Amazon. Now, let’s discuss the multifaceted benefits of using an Amazon Store and how you can optimize it for higher sales.

Benefits of Amazon Store

  1. Branded Ecosystem for Trust Building
    When you showcase your products on your Amazon Store, people are more likely to see you as a genuine brand rather than some reseller selling cheap products. This adds to your credibility and helps position your brand strongly in the long run. Another factor to consider is that it is the only place to escape competitor advertising on Amazon. As we all know there are several products and sellers vying for consumers’ attention and nudging them for a sale. So by creating a store, you enable shoppers to thoughtfully examine your products without any distractions. 
  2. Easy Exploration of Other Products and New Launches
    Amazon Store allows cross-sell, up-sell, and even promote new products. It gives the advantage of advertising your new range for no added cost. For new products, businesses can leverage rich media to create a visually appealing story around the product and its benefits. This, in turn, can lead to increased brand awareness with better click-throughs and conversions. 
  3. Brand Exclusive Landing Page for Internal and External Traffic
    Amazon Store is a prerequisite for running Sponsored Brand ads, hence it becomes important to set up a store to increase the reach on the platform. Sponsored Brand ads can in turn help you direct internal traffic to your Store. For instance, during the holiday season, you can create a separate page with seasonal messaging and the right product mix to drive relevant traffic through ads.
    Amazon store also gives you a static URL that you can use on your social media posts to drive customers to your ASINs. It opens a new channel for brands to attract external traffic. This increases top of the funnel and hence increases the chance of better conversions. Another great way to drive traffic to your Amazon store is by using email marketing. During big shopping events, email marketing can be leveraged to announce new and upcoming arrivals and encourage customers to take advantage of sales.
  4. Store Analytics for Informed Decisions
    One of the amazing features that Amazon Store has is analytics. It helps sellers drill-down on current sales and traffic, so they can set realistic goals for the future. This can also help brands figure out the top viewed and purchased products and overhaul the top navigation tabs according to that. The average number of page views and unique visits can help in identifying popular pages and understanding layouts that are more appealing. It also provides you with a powerful understanding of your store’s sales and traffic sources, which can help you make informed ad spends decisions. 

Optimizing Your Amazon Store

Now that we’ve established the key benefits of the Amazon Store, let’s explore how to optimize it for a better experience. Let’s have a look at certain parameters that can help to get started with an optimized Store.

  1. Understand Your Customers’ Journey
    To set up a Store that fulfills the business goals, you have to understand how customers search and look for products on Amazon. Look for keywords that shoppers use while searching for a product. Gather the high intent keywords that are transactional in nature and use them in your store. The look and feel of your Store should be reflective of your target audience, their lifestyle traits, and motivations. This will create a lasting impact on the overall customer journey and they will feel more aligned with the brand.
  2. Intuitive Layout and User Experience
    Better user experience leads to better conversions. Your design should be intuitive and easy to scroll through. Organize your navigation which is consistent with what your target audience looks for. A good practice is to group them under utility or benefits. There are multiple templates available on the Store that can suit individual brand requirements. As more and more people are shopping via mobile phones, the overall experience should be consistent on mobile as well. Make sure to use visuals that are compatible with the mobile screen resolution with clear CTAs.You can also utilize dynamic widgets or select specific product listings to automatically display different products based on key consumer insights. 
  3. Relatable and Consistent Visuals
    Superior quality creative assets can provide great depth to your Store along with a well thought out layout. Follow a linear layout for better appeal, intersperse with interactive product tiles with the key selling points. The use of the right colors is very important here to strike a balance with the overall brand imagery. For example, a skincare brand might want to use images that are bare-faced, having neutral tones, shot under a real setting as compared to a whey protein brand which typically uses bold and dark colors, shots of people with an active lifestyle. Another great way to use visuals is to have images of different use cases that your product has which makes it easier for people to visualize its usage.
  4. Brand Centric, Simple and Easy-to-read Copy
    Copy is a great element that helps drive conversion when it is precise and relatable. One great way to figure this out is to have a buyer’s persona. Understand what their pain points are and what would resonate with them. One important thing here to note is that Google crawls and indexes keywords of your Store. Try to incorporate highly relevant keywords into your messaging to improve the discoverability of your brand from other channels.

Creating an Amazon Store can bring in some serious value to your business. While Store creation does take some time and effort, it’s absolutely worth it if you want to protect your brand reputation, create an exclusive experience, and drive internal as well as external traffic.

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