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Guide to writing Product listing

Guide To Writing Product Listing Content

A good picture is worth a thousand words and over Amazon it is worth thousands of dollars. And just like clicking a good picture isn’t just taking a shot; it has multiple layers to it- background, backlighting, front lighting, angle, exposure, and what not. To create a beautiful Amazon page for your product, you need to work on many layers.

When you start your journey as an Amazon seller, your listing is your portfolio. It’ll be responsible for generating leads, making conversions, and kick-starting your business. Your product pages must not only be beautiful but optimized as well. It should be informative and capture a peek into your product and your brand for the customers. Creating the perfect product page reflecting your brand values, while keeping it persuasive and engaging, has its layers. Stay with us, while we unwrap them for you one by one.

Elements of a Product Listing

Choosing the correct category for your product, the most appropriate and catchy title, writing the product description, directions of use, setting your price, and providing your product’s visuals are steps to get that indispensable product listing setup. For your product listing to have the compelling power to attract a customer, you must carefully pack it with SEO-driven keywords and have detailed and user-centric bullet points and imagery.

Some of the key things that you should keep in mind while crafting a product listing are:

Your Listings should be SEO friendly

We cannot emphasize enough on the importance of SEO for your product listings. You will only sell when you’ll be seen. To rank among 12 million products, you must have your product pages optimized for the correct set of keywords. Always ensure that your product listings are SEO optimized in order to win both humans as well as machine algorithms. 

Your Listings should be in a scannable formatting

One of the key things of a winning product listing is its ability to communicate product information to the user in a clear, precise, and uncluttered manner. Once you have managed to get a click for your product, your listing should be robust enough to convert the click into a sale. This can only be possible when your product listing communicates to the shopper its needs, benefits, competitive advantages, and uses in a crystal clear manner. 

Attributes should be in order of their priorities

You can’t expect people to read everything word by word, therefore it is crucial that you prioritize your information correctly for them. Keep the key features and attributes on the top and mention the less important ones as you go further in order to catch your customers’ attention and convince them about your product. 

Your listing should have a detailed product information

We can never know how much information is enough for a customer and how many questions they are going to ask. But we can always be ready for most of it. Understand your product and its perception from the customer’s point of view and answer all the questions beforehand. Stuff your product information with all the possible details and be transparent and true about your product. Remember, people buy what they know and believe in. 

Anatomy of a Product Listing

Now that you have a clear idea of the many layers, aka elements of creating a compelling Amazon product page, you must know the tools to work upon them. Let’s dive into the anatomy of the product listing and understand its various parts, which you can modify to your advantage.

Product Title: Your product listing title is the first impression you make for your customer and therefore the most important thing. The title shouldn’t be overloaded rather, it should be carefully curated to contain SEO keywords and the right information. It must differentiate your product from the competitors with a subtle tone of persuasion. Amazon provides a character limit of 250 characters, roughly 50 words, for the title, and you must perfectly utilize it all. Pointing out the most relevant features, product USP, or even your promotional deals are some great ways to make an attractive product title. 

Bullet points: It is best to use the area under the price section to highlight the product features through bullet points. There are just so many product pages a potential customer plans on visiting; reading every one of them entirely isn’t his preferred route. The bullet points make things easier, clearer, and crisper for them. It is advised to have at least five clearly separated bullet points for the buyers to scan easily. A strong SEO content-driven product detail section would help your potential customers skim through your listing and establish a desire within them towards your product, boosting visibility and conversions.

Product Description: Your product description is the most impactful part of your listing. Amazon gives you a 2000-character limit where you can make or break your case. A customer who has come to your landing page to make an actual purchase always prefers to gather all the information about the product. In such cases, the product description comes really handy for you as a seller to pursue them. Just like a sales agent who provides all the information at a retail outlet, the product description must gain the buyer’s trust by explaining product information while also sparking their curiosity and interest. Your product description must be true, comprehensive, and accurate. Anything unverified or false wouldn’t help get the trust and could harm the reputation of your brand in the long run. It must carefully highlight the benefits for the consumer and make the reader connect to your brand. A precisely worded product description content would be informative and convincing at the same time while not shifting from your brand values. 

Product Images: The visuals hold more of the focus when it comes to the Amazon Marketplace. It is imperative that the graphics used for the product listing be bright and engaging. It must capture the attention of buyers such that they would want to hold it, own it, and be able to use it. A high-quality image with informative points highlighted as infographics can quickly convince a customer towards the sale. Through these images, the buyers establish their trust in your product and feel comfortable making a purchase. Amazon allows a limit of 9 pictures to showcase your products to your customers on your landing page.

Focusing broadly on the above four parts of your product description would bring a massive change in your listing’s quality. However, just adding the right elements will only let you be in the competition, not win it. To win over, you must ensure that your listings and product pages are optimized. Below are some additional tips and tricks to get you closer to the crown.

Additional Tips for Optimization

Amazon listing optimization is the refinement of your Amazon product listings to increase product visibility and conversions. The first thing to be able to sell your product on Amazon is to ensure that customers land on your product page. This is done only through Amazon SEO and SEO Techniques. Optimized SEO strategies sway the Amazon ranking algorithm in favor of your products and improve their rankings in the search results. Based on your product details, reviews and ratings, the algorithm decides if your listing is relevant and delivers value to the customers. 

While reviews and ratings are an ongoing process, product titles and descriptions always have a chance to be optimized to get the best possible results. As experts of Amazon marketing, we at Growisto, ensure that for every brand and product listing on Amazon we first begin by understanding your brand and your business goals. It is only when your business goals are clearly defined and aligned that we then find out the search terms of sets of keywords that your potential customers would use in order to find your product or similar competing products. Once this is done, we then begin the process of optimization where we optimize your entire product listing in a manner that boosts your sales and increases your profitability through Amazon while giving you an edge over your competitors. Broadly, our process consists of the following key aspects: 

Keyword Analysis

Implementing a targeted keyword strategy bridges the perception gap between your product offering and your target audiences’ requirement. When you rank higher on search results, you make it easier for your customers to find your product and increase your chance at a sale. 

Sentiment Analysis

In an online platform, it sometimes becomes difficult to know what the consumer is actually looking for and what he/she likes or dislikes in a product. Understanding specifically what the customer is seeking, therefore, becomes highly crucial. This can be done through competitor analysis, customer reviews, and even through consumer forums studies. 

Title Optimization

The product title is the crown of your listing- must shine bright and high. We, therefore, ensure that it is optimized enough to drive maximum traffic and boost conversion rates. Being the first crucial piece of information that your potential customers interact with, it needs to be relatable, powerful and infused with relevant keywords in a way that it highlights all your product’s essential details and USP’s precisely.

Content Optimization

Focusing on the buyer’s persona and category norms of Amazon, your bullet points in the product description must capture the product’s key features. It must highlight and celebrate the product’s distinctive offerings while keeping the content keyword-rich. We craft your copy diligently in bullet points to answer consumer-specific questions for an engrossing experience. 

Image and A+ Content Recommendations

We can help you compass an extensive increase in conversions on your Amazon product listings. Through our recommendations on your Amazon Enhanced Brand Content, you can make your listings more memorable and ensure long-lasting engagement. Also, through A+ Content Recommendations, you can build trust and connect with your consumers to elevate your brand. 

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